Supplies I Recommend

Paint Pouring/ Fluid Art Supplies

November 23, 2018

If you’ve been thinking you want to take the jump into fluid art you definitely should! This is such a fun, relaxing, and beautiful way to express yourself. I fell completely in love with this art style about a year and a half ago and haven’t been able to stop experimenting since. Here are the products that I use and love so much! If you’re just starting out I recommend using the more affordable products. That way you can use more and learn your own style without feeling restricted by not wanting to waste all your expensive paint. Then try the more expensive products down the road when you’re a bit more experienced. (This post contains affiliate links. If you make a purchase after clicking a link, I will earn a small commission at no extra cost to you, which helps with keeping this blog up and running.) 

Pouring Mediums:

Deco Arts Pouring Medium is affordable and amazing quality
If you want to experiment a lot you should get the bigger size!
This is another amazing and affordabe option 
I always like to get the bigger size its always better to have more then not enough!


My go to I absolutely love deco art paint its affordable and good quality. 
These metallics are awesome!
Good affordable starter brand
golden’s fluid acrylic create so many cells when mixed with Floetrol
I like artist lofts paints

Additives: ( to create cells)

To create cells
To create cells
To create cells

Top coats:

Resin creates a stunning glass like finish
Resin is perfect for protecting your art work 
This is great protective coat to finish your art in affordably
Good protective finish

Other Supplies needed:

cups to stir your paints in. 
To stir your paints
Great for practicing.
variety pack of multiple sizes to try
Practice small before you just go big!
I like to use these when I’ll be using a lot of paint and resin. 
Used to create cells
These are perfect to premix your paints and preserve them in.

If you have any questions just ask!

Thanks for stopping by my blog, I hope you enjoyed this supply list. If you’re new to fluid art check out this beginner guide and then go check out my tips + some inspiring artist share their fluid art tips.

XOXO, Taylor

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